Why Fiber Laser Cutting Represents a Step Forward

A laser cuts a pattern into sheet metal

Sheet metal fabrication has existed in many forms for many years. Like many other fields, the methodology has changed over the years as technological advances have occurred. After years of using various saws and other methods, there’s now a better way to do it: fiber laser cutting. Fiber laser cutting makes use of the latest… Read more »

Metal Products that Go Through Press Brake Forming

A door hinge on the top part of a door

Press brake forming is a process that helps create many of the metal products that we use in society. A press brake is a machine that is used to bend sheet metal by clamping the piece of metal between a matching top tool and a bottom die. This process is more efficient than welding two… Read more »

A Brief History of Metal Fabrication

A CNC laser cutting through a metal pipe

So many of the products we use each day are made using various metal fabrication processes. This was true for our parents, our ancestors, even ancient civilizations dating back thousands of years and will almost certainly be true of our predecessors. Humans have gotten a lot of different uses out of metals for nearly as… Read more »

How Metal Fabrication Shops Operate Safely

A person wears protective gear while working with metal

So many of the products we enjoy and use each day are made possible via metal fabrication. Whether it’s classic techniques such as welding to more modern operations like laser cutting and press brake forming, metal fabrication shops create a variety of useful products. But shops wouldn’t be able to properly function without the proper… Read more »

How Metal Fabrication Shops Support Small Businesses

A laser cuts a piece of metal

Not every small business needs metal fabrication services, but the ones that do likely can’t live without it. It’s imperative then for these businesses to find a good metal fabrication shop that they can trust and that fits with what they need. It’s difficult being a small business owner. There are so many responsibilities involved… Read more »

What Makes Press Brake Forming So Efficient?

A press brake machine bends a piece of sheet metal

Did you ever wonder how metal products with complicated patterns and designs are made? There are actually a few processes to make this happen. In the past, it usually involved welding two or more pieces of metal to create one product. But more recent innovations have shown to be more efficient. Among the most efficient… Read more »

What to Look for In a Metal Fabrication Business

A laser cuts a piece of sheet metal

If working with a metal fabrication shop is key to your business, you’re not going to want to work with just anyone. What shop you choose will determine what kind of product you get, what price you pay, and how reliably you’ll get that product on time. It’s an important decision and one that isn’t… Read more »

Products That Are Made Via Sheet Metal Fabrication

Sheet metal being fabricated

Although you may not think much about it, you probably use products made from sheet metal fabrication on a regular basis. These products are all around us and the number of them is only increasing by the year. If you’re running a business of some kind, it’s especially important that you know about sheet metal… Read more »

Modern Applications of Lean Manufacturing

A flow chart showing the principles of lean manufacturing

Last month, we covered the origins of lean manufacturing in this space with a promise to discuss the more modern applications this month. As was stated then, lean manufacturing traces its roots back to Japan more than 100 years ago. In the time since then, it’s evolved in many ways and its principles are now… Read more »

The Origins of Lean Manufacturing

An animation of the word lean with people and manufacturing parts in the foreground and background

Lean manufacturing is a phrase that’s thrown around a lot in the business world today. It refers to a firm’s method of eliminating waste in all forms in order to deliver the most value possible to the customer. The term “lean manufacturing” wasn’t actually coined until the late 1980’s by an American businessman. But concept… Read more »